Friday, October 26, 2007

HIV, Jesus, and Love

I just got done emailing a friend, and I realized that I had used my email to him to unload the kind of thing I normally unload on my blog. So, I'm going to put it here too.

I really enjoy my HIV class b/c it's full of people pumped up about tackling a hard problem like me. It's really nice to be around other people that care about the HIV/AIDS epidemic, that want to talk about it... b/c nobody really wants to hear about it b/c it's depressing. It's kind of like a support group too, b/c we get to recognize together that it IS depressing and it does get hard reading about it after a while, b/c the problem just seems so big and overwhelming. What I don't like about the group is that I get the feeling that I might be the only Christian in there. It was really saddening today, and I get so embarrassed by how culture has twisted Christianity and that many people call themselves Christians and the only thing they might get riled up about is maybe not wanting schools to distribute birth control pills and condoms instead of getting riled up about social justice and doing something about it. this used to bother me while living in the south, b/c i would think about all the people in need that needed to be served and the majority of church goers weren't doing anything. now it bothers me for the that same reason PLUS the fact that it's not a good witness b/c out here people don't claim to be christians and not only that, they don't like christians as a group. like you can actually feel animosity radiating off of them occasionally. and now, the inactivity of christians (or their activity in what i consider to be not so important areas) has totally distorted people's view of christianity. These people here don't know the compassionate Jesus that loved the "rejects of society," that went against social norms and talked to a samaritan woman or stood up for a woman accused of adultery. They don't know the man that said, look you might be "righteous" and follow all the laws but you don't have any compassion and so you have it all wrong. they don't know the man that was infinitely concerned about the "least of these", and they don't know this man's disciples. All they see are christian teachers of the law that are caught up in self righteousness and dont have compassion. when they think christian, they don't associate it with giving, caring, loving... and that made me so sad today listening to people in my class... i didnt know what i wanted to say until after the discussion had passed... even then, they had never said anything truly overtly against christianity and so it would have been awkward for me to start "preaching." i mean, it was the middle of class and we were talking about America's involvement in HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention abroad. It finally lead to christianity b/c Bush claims Christianity and he's the one that's pushing the ABC program, which is abstinence, being faithful, and use condoms... but the program places a lot more emphasis on the first 2, which i believe in, but i believe in equal emphasis on the condom part too for lots of reasons i'm not going to type now. so. the class was very disheartening.

i just wanted them to know that the Way of Jesus is a radical way of LOVE. and yeah, there's things we do and we don't do, but it's in love. because we love God and because we love others.


Meredith said...

"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

Rebecca said...

cool meredith, i'm glad you're my friend.