Sunday, September 23, 2007

Emotional Wreckage

I am so stressed out right now between school and work... mostly work. Things are really intense and frustrating because we're being audited by the state. I'm so tense, and I find myself walking and realize that my shoulders are all scrunched up towards my neck, and I have to force myself to put them down. I start crying at the drop of a dime.... I turned on a League of thier Own to help me relax a bit before I get down to studying and I started crying when the girls made the team! What in the world is that?! I've seen this movie a bunch of times, and I've never cried at that before. I can't handle this. Hopefully I'll be all cried out soon. It's so draining! I'm tired.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

My Birthday

This is me at my costume birthday party. Can you guess who I was suppose to be?
The pose is just me being silly and not at all a part of the costume. The shaw isn't part of the costume either.

Saturday, September 01, 2007


There's a new guy at work. He's really hot. And nice. We made friends.

He's gay.

Oh the woes of living in San Francisco!