Friday, October 28, 2005


It’s funny how little decisions can change the rest of your life. I’m glad that I am not usually pondering this fact as I go about my daily business, because I think that it would be rather stressful to think about at all times. Of course, being a Christian I believe that there are bigger things going on in this universe than just my measly decisions; although, sometimes those measly decisions end up being really big and important, but let me give you a for instance of what I’m thinking about. There was a story on the news just now about a woman that jumped out of her van trying to get a wasp away from her children. The van slipped out of park and ran over her, and now, she is dead. Crazy, huh? In a split second effort to protect her children from a lousy sting, this lady ended up dying, leaving her kids to grow up without her. I think my dad would be happy to know that I’m pondering the effects of little decisions, because I think he worries that I’m just going to go tripping off through the daisies into the middle of a civil war in a country in Africa in an effort to love on some orphans… now, I might end up in such a situation, but I like to believe that I would not be tripping through the daisies while doing it. I like to think that I would seriously consider the situation and that I would pray a lot before making such a decision, and if I did go into a situation like that, I hope that it would be a result of me feeling like God is leading me there, and not a result of a naïve compassion for others. So, I guess I’m saying that if I find myself trapped in a car with a wasp, I will take my time getting out, but I’ve never been stung by a wasp before, and so, I could be allergic. Well, I won’t worry about it. “God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Rom 8:28. This doesn’t mean that life will be roses and lollipops, but it does mean that I can have my peace and hope in him.

1 comment:

allison said...

Plant some daisies in Africa, and make it a point to trip through them. I'm adding you as a link on my blog, you silly sister-in-law you.