Sunday, May 18, 2008


My roommate started calling to me from the living room, "Are you clipping your nails?!" Comes to my room. "What are you doing? Is your stereo on?" Turns my stereo off. "I've been hearing this clicking noise coming from your room all day! What is it? Don't you hear it? It's driving me crazy!" I say no. I can't hear anything. She stands there listening. Voice escalating, "There it is again! Why can't you hear that?" Then she goes back to the living room. Calling to me from there, "It's so loud I can hear it from here!" By then I know she must be crazy, because although I'm a little hard of hearing, I'm not SO hard of hearing that she would be able to hear something coming from MY bedroom while in the living room that I couldn't hear. I tell her that she's crazy and hearing things. We argue about it a little more, then I dial our friend's number and am getting ready to leave a voicemail asking her to come over, so that we can find out if in fact there is a noise, but at that moment, as Byanqa stood in my doorway, she realized that the drawstrings on her sweats had metal ends and that was the sound that she had been hearing all afternoon that had been driving her crazy. Haha. Roommates are fun.


Sasha said... suck

your roommate

Rebecca said...

don't be hatin' just b/c you're crazy. :P

Sasha said...

someones a wannabe ghetto girl