Sunday, November 11, 2007


I stepped on my glasses this morning. For some reason when I got done reading my Bible last night, I put it down on the floor next to my bed and put my glasses on top instead of putting them both on the nightstand on the other side of my bed. And I guess I must not have actually gotten my glasses on top of my Bible b/c they were definitely on the floor when I stepped on them. I heard a popping sound and looked down to see my glasses under my foot. My heart sank. Luckily the lense wasn't broken, and now, finally this afternoon after much struggle I have managed to get the lense back in the frame (and I'm wearing my glasses at this very moment) but I can't get the frames to straighten out. So the good part is that I can still use them to see. The bad part is, I cannot use them to look attractive b/c they are sitting lopsided on my face. Oh well, at least they're just for reading. But I did this very thing to a pair of glasses last year! When will I ever learn?! I do still have a non crooked pair, but they're not as strong as the others.

1 comment:

Sasha said...

you're such a dork