Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I want to GO!

I just got done reading an article on the Doctors Without Borders website about how there just aren't enough medical professionals to get ARVs (antiretrovirals) to all the people with AIDS that need them. In just one district they're treating 7,000 people and need to increase it to 10,000, but they can't b/c they don't have the docs and nurses to distribute the drugs. The report I was reading covered Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa. I'm also still reading my book, 28 Sotries of AIDS in Africa. I read about 100 pages on the plane last night, and I get SO frustrated! I can't wait to start grad school so I can hurry and finish it and GO! I looked up a list of the poorest countries in the world. They are as follows:
Poorest Countries in the World
Rank, Country, GDP - per capita
1 Malawi $ 600
2 Somalia $ 600
3 Comoros $ 600
4 Solomon Islands $ 600
5 Congo, Democratic Republic of the$ 700
6 Burundi $ 700
7 East Timor $ 800
8 Tanzania $ 800
9 Afghanistan $ 800
10 Yemen $ 900

Can you imagine making $600 a year?!

I'm going to give you and exerpt from my book 28 Stories of AIDS in Africa by Stephanie Nolen:
"...Winstone gave a young woman named Jennifer the happy news that her TB had been successfully treated, she responded by bursting into tears: without TB, she would no longer qualify for a weekly parcel of soya powder and beans, the only source of food for her three children. 'When I went home I couldn't sleep,' Winstone wrote about those days. 'I felt terrible. What was the use of setting up Kara Counseling in Kabwe if the people wished they had AIDS so they could get a few cents? How could we fight TB if patients felt happy to be sick so they could get a few pounds of soya powder? What the fucking hell was I doing here?' He thought about his most recent speaking tour in the US, where he was told about a cat with kidney problems on dialysis, saw massive sport utility vehicles with built in DVD players, heard that the leading epidemic in the country was obesity. 'And here I am stuck with Jennifer and Joyce in my little office as they wish they had the most serious and fatal disease [AIDS] to have hit the world so they can get 80 cents every week.'"

So that's what's on my mind today. All the need in the world, and I'm still stuck here in SF, waiting to start grad school. I CAN'T WAIT TO FINISH GRAD SCHOOL AND GO!

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