Tuesday, February 13, 2007


My mom sent my brother an email in responce to some stuff that's been going on in Honduras (where my brother lives). I think the email is awesome, and I want to share it with you all too. It means a lot to me, because Jarrod is living in Honduras, trying to do good things for people, really living a life of love, and people still do mean things to him sometimes, and it's hard to understand. My mom's email makes sense of it all.

I am so blessed and this bothers me. Why do I have so much, why do I live in the land of Plenty, why do I not have to worry about food to eat, or clothes to wear or where I'm going to sleep tonight or what am I going to feed my family in the morning or the next day or the next day. It's so easy for me to give my 10-20 or whatever percent to the Lord. I still have plenty of that stuff left---lots more than what I gave to the Lord. I can talk about being content with what I have and not wanting more, not wanting what other people have, not wanting a finer car, not wanting a larger house, but I have it all. I have all I want , if I don't have it I just go out and buy it. The Lord hasn't tested me and I'm so thankful he hasn't, I might not pass, in fact I would probably fail. I have no idea how I would act if I didn't know where the food was going go come from for the next meal for my children. What if I already struggled with the daily ordinary take for granted things of life; what if I never was able to take for granted there would be food for my children the next day, they would have clothes to wear; they would be educated; they would never be mistreated. What am I going to do if someone gets sick? These are things I never worry about, have never ever worried about these things; didn't know I should. What would I do if I had to worry about my children???????????? Probably just about any thing--even things that weren't nice. What if my husbnd had a poor level paying job and he lost it and I didn't have any way to support myself or my family, what would I do? I don't know maybe I would sue the man who laid my husband off. If I could just get $1000 more that is ten months pay and we could make it for almost another year. How would I feel if I wasn't a loveable person? People never looked at me and said how pretty? How would I feel? What would this do to me? I have no idea. My insecurities are great and people tell me all the time how pretty I am and how much they love me. I have it all and yet I have my own insecurities, but I don't have to worry about eating or feeding my family. What would I do? Whatever it took to feed my family, that's what I would do.

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Karson said...

Sorry to hear your brother has had to face some tribulation. From what little I know about him, he is the type of person who can face just about anything because he faces everything with God.

I thing my church has a group going down to Honduras soon. I am not sure who they are working with but if Jarrod happens to work with Prestoncrest Church of Christ let me know.