Friday, October 06, 2006

San Francisco

So, here I am in San Francisco. I feel like I'm in a different country even though they say that CA is a part of the U.S. Most of the signs in my area are written in Chinese, although there are some Korean ones, and one Hispanic market, but the signs do have it written in English below or beside it too. It is just wonderful here, absolutely fabulous! I mean, it's frustrating that there are no Walmarts or Targets here in the city, but at the same time it is refreshing and really nice to have all these neat little stores around, where the workers at your neighborhood grocery know your name and are happy to see you. I'm figuring out the bus system, and I must say it is nice not to have to drive myself places, but it is NOT nice when you take the wrong bus and get off in completely the wrong place and then you have to walk back to where you started b/c the particular route you took does not have just tons of buses passing by at every minute. I'm excited to start work on Monday and meet more people, and I'm excited about getting to explore the city more. There is SO much to do here! I'm excited about what God is going to do in my life and how he can use me in this place.


Meredith said...

Yeah! You are in Cali! I will call you back later today... after I sleep! Can't wait to hear all about it! Wow, that was a lot of explanation marks after a 12 hr night shift...

Emy said...

Sounds so exciting! I can't wait to come visit you. Do you know about next weekend yet?