Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Invisible Children

I WANT TO GO AND DO SOMETHING!!! When will preparation ever end? I want to tell you all about the Invisible Children of northern Uganda. In order to avoid being kidnapped out of their homes at night by rebels and forced to fight, these kids walk miles to stay the night in a safe place (it’s been a while since I watched the film but I think it was in the basement of a hospital or maybe it was a warehouse, either way the conditions were bad and everyone was crammed into a space not nearly big enough for them all to sleep on concrete floors). Many children have already been kidnapped, and many more will continue to be, unless the world takes a stand. And the world starts with each of us. I know it’s hard, sitting here, to see what we can do. I feel that way to. What can I do right now? Well, what I can do is continue to tell their story, so that they won’t be quite so invisible, and I can give money to help support the cause, and I can pray for them. Some guys went to Uganda to find the story and ever since have been spreading it across the country. I saw the film at the World Missions Workshop at Harding last fall. The film is AMAZING, and you can’t walk away without having been profoundly affected. You can learn more about the cause and can purchase the movie at


Anonymous said...

Hey Becca,

I saw that film somewhere too. Maybe my political science class or something. I can't remember. It was pretty moving and extremely depressing and enraging. I can't remember what reason they gave for the children being kidnapped, though. Do you know?

Rebecca said...

The rebel group, the Lord's Resistance Army, is the one doing the kidnapping. Apparently it's because their movement is dying down and they need more soldiers and since they can't recruite anymore, they just kidnap little boys.