Monday, March 27, 2006


So, I looked up the meaning of my name, and different sites gave different meanings. They are: servant of God or to tie, to bind or to snare, and I guess to snare is the same as to tie or to bind, but tying and binding sound better than snaring. Binding makes me think of that song, “Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together, Lord with chains that cannot be broken…” or is it cord that cannot be broken? Either way, that song makes me put snare and bind in two different categories. I had a little paper thing when I was younger that said what Rebecca means, but I can’t remember what it said, but I don’t think it said any of the above. It would be exciting to me if it did in fact mean servant of God—much better than to snare. I looked up my nephew’s names too… Ashton- ash tree settlement, Haven- safe place, Gavin- little hawk, Levi- united, as one. I also looked up Sol’s, just to see if it was there, and it was! Soledad- solitary. Actually, I looked up just about all of my family’s names, some of my friends, and my boyfriend’s name and some of his family’s names. And you must be thinking, man, “To Snare” must be really bored! But, I’m not!!! I actually have a lot of studying I need to do, but suddenly, looking up names and blogging about it became very important to me. But it's okay, because I have my notebook open next to me; so it's like I'm studying... sort of.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Meredith- guardian of the sea... or more importantly it is my Papa's middle name.