Thursday, February 09, 2006


Each week our professor assigns each of us a patient in the hospital that we have to do a careplan on. What's a careplan you might ask. Well, it's this handy dandy instrument they use to make us think through what we're doing so that one day it will all just pop into our heads in a matter of seconds but at the moment, it is a 22 page pain in the neck. So, the man that I was assigned to this week is such a lovely old man! He's just great. I didn't want this week's clinical days to be over because I wanted to continue taking care of him! The woman I had last week was really sweet too, but she wasn't quite as cognizant as this man, and so I didn't get into any big conversations with her. There was this other man that I had to help take care of too, and he has mild dimensia, but he just LOVED it whenever anyone came around (his family was often there visiting too) and would just go on and on about how pretty and nice everyone was. He was a hoot. So, I don't really have a point to this entry except that I just love taking care of these people!