Monday, October 31, 2005


So, did circumcision exist anywhere in the world before God gave Abraham the covenant of circumcision? I mean, did Abraham already know all about how to do this, or was this a completely new concept? Plus, if it was a completely new concept, don’t you think he would have been really confused about a covenant like that? And, do you think that Abraham was EXTREMELY nervous about circumcising his only son eight days after his birth? I mean we always look at the story where Abraham is supposed to offer Isaac as a sacrifice to God and all the faith it took for him to be willing to do that since God was supposed to produce all these people from Isaac, but I think that it probably took a lot of faith and courage to circumcise Isaac too for the exact same reason (at least it would if circumcision was a new concept). Plus, guys really have a lot of empathy for each other when it comes to that area of the body. Also, weren't they doing this with flint stone knife things? I mean now days we have these nice little contraptions that make it hard to cut too much when a guy gets circumcised, but they didn't have those back then. I think that would take a lot of faith for a guy back then.


Anonymous said...
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kentbrantly said...

wow. interesting thoughts. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Only you, Rebecca, would contemplate the details of this subject.

Anonymous said...

By the way, that was arnold but I had to choose anomyous to make it work.

Anonymous said...

i think i might have felt like Isaac a little over 6 months ago when i was circumcised in Honduras where it's not a common practice, i was sure that Honduran surgeon was going to take too much. what were you thinking Papi, just standing their watching, these are dangerous times we are living in. Doc knew what he was doing and i turned out okay. thanks for the concern tia Boo... Te quiero, Santiago

Anonymous said...

Becca, you WOULD talk about something totally random like that! Oh, is it cuz of Santiago? How's your bother's family doing? By the way, my vote is that circumcision already existed, God just gave it a special meaning. I mean, it doesn't really explain in the Bible HOW to do it, so they must have already known how. Hey, make sure you check out my blog.